Getting Started Toolkit

Students who self-identify as having a disability may utilize Disability Services to gain equal access to programs, activities, and services during their time at Penn. Getting started with Disability Services begins with submitting an accessibility request, but our toolkit answers questions about the process and connects you with resources within the Weingarten Center and across campus.

We recommend that students with disabilities register with Disability Services upon matriculation into the University, but students may register at any time during their studies at Penn. It may take up to four weeks to review documentation and approve accommodations.

Register with Disability Services

Step One: Complete an Accessibility Request

Log into MyWeingartenCenter to complete your accessibility request. You will be asked to:

  • Identify your disability or disabilities
  • Describe the accommodations yoThree students studying together in a group study room. One student is writing on a white boardu are requesting

You can start the process even if you don't know if you have a disability or what accommodations you may need.

Step Two: Submit Documentation of a Disability

When completing an accessibility request, you have the opportunity to submit documentation relevant to your disability or disabilities. Please review the Weingarten Center's Documentation Guidelines.

Uploading documentation is not required to submit an accessibility request. Disability Specialists can provide resources that may help guide students to get documentation for the first time or obtain updated documentation.

Step Three: Schedule an Initial Appointment with Your Assigned Disability Specialist

After completing your accessibility request, you will be assigned to a disability specialist and receive an email from them within one to three business days. You will not be able to schedule an appointment until you have been assigned to a disability specialist.

Our Interactive Process

The Weingarten Center’s dedicated team of disability specialists meet one-on-one with every student requesting accommodations, with the exception of students who are solely requesting Penn Accessible Transit access. Our specialists work hard to ensure that our process is supportive, fair, and educational for all students. The timing of a determination on accommodations is different for each student and highly dependent on factors such as when the request is made, type of accommodation(s), and availability of documentation. As part of the process, disability specialists may need to ask specific questions about a student’s disability experience, get in touch with clinical providers and/or work with faculty and academic programs in order to make a decision about an accommodation. Students may also be referred to additional campus partners and resources when appropriate. After the interactive process and review is completed, students will be notified of the decision in writing. 

I was just accepted to Penn. When can I submit an accessibility request?

Newly accepted students receive a PennID number and are prompted to create a PennKey username and password. Once your account is set up, you can log in to the MyWeingartenCenter portal and submit your accessibility request.

When I register with Disability Services, who is informed about my disability?

Only your disability specialist and other Weingarten Center staff members have access to information regarding your disability. Professors and advisors receive information about a student’s accommodations in the form of an accommodation letter at the authorization of the student. Neither a student’s disability nor their accommodations show up on transcripts.

What if I don’t know if I have a disability or need accommodations but I want to speak with someone in Disability Services?

All students are welcome and encouraged to speak with a Disability Services professional to discuss their experiences and challenges and ask questions about the process. When submitting an accessibility request, you can select “no disability identified” when asked to identify your disability. When asked to describe the accommodations requested, you may indicate that you are unsure or just want to speak with someone.

What are the most common types of accommodations?

The most common academic accommodations address testing, note-taking, accessible materials and other classroom accommodations. To learn more, review Most Common Academic Accommodations on the Working with Disability Services page on our website. Non-academic accommodations include housing, dining, and transportation. Visit the Campus Accessibility page to learn more about resources.

What should I do if I don’t have any documentation of my disability, or I believe my documentation may be out of date?

Even if you do not have documentation or are concerned it is out of date, it is recommended that you submit an accessibility request and meet with a Disability Specialist. Uploading documentation is not required to submit an accessibility request. Disability specialists can provide resources that may help students to get documentation for the first time or obtain updated documentation.

Can my doctor send documentation directly to the Weingarten Center?

Students gather all relevant medical records and documentation and upload them through the MyWeingartenCenter portal. This can be done when submitting an accessibility request or later if new documentation is obtained.

I submitted an accessibility request. Why don’t I see any options for scheduling an appointment or who I am assigned to? What if my disability specialist’s availability doesn’t work for my schedule?

Once your accessibility request is received, you will be assigned a Disability Specialist within 1-3 business days who will email you to introduce themselves. Once you have been assigned, you will be able to schedule an “initial appointment” with your Disability Specialist through the MyWeingartenCenter portal. During busy times of the academic year (e.g., the first weeks of the semester), your Disability Specialist may not have appointments immediately available or may not have appointments that fit your schedule. In this case, email your Disability Specialist whose contact information can be found on our About page.

I have been approved for some accommodations. What happens if the circumstances of my disability change or if I believe I need additional accommodations?

If you need to discuss potential changes or additions to your accommodations, you should log into MyWeingartenCenter, click “Complete an Accessibility Request,” and select the “Supplemental” tab to submit an additional request. Then, schedule a “follow-up appointment” with your disability specialist to discuss your needs and accommodations.

I have been approved for some academic accommodations. Do I have to use them in all of my courses?

Once you have approved academic accommodations, you will need to complete a “semester request” each term. The semester request form asks which approved accommodations you would like to apply to each of your courses. After you submit a semester request, letters are sent to each of your course instructors with information about the approved accommodations you have selected.

Resources for Success at Penn

Learning Consultations

Learning specialists support undergraduate, graduate, and professional students in developing effective strategies for academic reading and writing, exam preparation, and time management.

Undergraduate Tutoring

Undergraduates can access free and convenient tutoring to complement their in-class learning with peer tutors trained and supported by the Weingarten Center. Drop-in and direct schedule options are available.

Support Resources

University Life has curated resources and contacts for departments and campus partners who collaborate to ensure student success and well-being. Weingarten Center staff will always help you find support.

Additional Guides for Your Toolkit

Resources for Families

Neurodivergent Student FAQs​

For parents and guardians supporting their student's transition to Penn