Wellness: Get Moving with Some Brain Breaks!
With finals just around the corner, it is important to set up “brain breaks” in order to increase productivity. Studying is most effective when done in relatively short chunks of time to ensure focus. Once you’re feeling distracted or have been studying for a decent amount of time, consider taking a brain break. Since the weather is finally warming up (hello, Spring!), now is a great time to get outside during your study breaks and enjoy the weather. Here are three ideas that will get your body moving and give your brain a break.
Meditation is a perfect study break because it can be done anywhere for any duration of time. For guided meditation, check out weekly offerings from Campus Health.
Walk/Run the Schuylkill River Trail
The Schuylkill River Trail is a beautiful path that spans over 60 miles. You can pick up the trail right on Spruce Street and stroll north to see some beautiful Philadelphia sights. Additionally, Campus Health has developed 1, 2, and 3-mile walking/jogging loops around campus. Check it, and other valuable information, out here.
Visit the Morris Arboretum
Visit this beautiful garden for a quick break from city living! It is free for Penn students and you can hop on a shuttle at the Penn Bookstore to get there. Some highlights include the rose garden (pictured here) and an amazing rock wall garden. The Morris Arboretum is open year-round and offers seasonal specials, including a Cherry Blossom festival in the Spring and Fall foliage events.
Staff Writer: Cassie Lo