18th Annual Disability Symposium Handouts
Symposium Information
Handout 2 – Schedule of Today’s Events
Handout 3 – Program Descriptions
Handout 5 – Participating Colleges and Universities
Morning Plenary
When Compliance Efforts are Hampered by Organizational Discord, Salome Heyward, JD
Morning Workshops
Workshop A – Accessibility and Empathy: What Does it Really Mean and Why Should I Care?, Manju Banerjee, Ph.D.
Workshop B – What Are You Hearing? A Presentation and Discussion about Current Opportunities and Challenges in Providing Inclusive Experiences and Accommodations for Graduate Students, Catherine Axe, M.Ed., and Eileen Connell Berger, M.S.Ed
Workshop C – Scrutinizing Disability Documentation Over a Lifetime, Morgan Blisard, M.S.Ed., and Loring Brinckerhoff, Ph.D
Workshop D – So Your University Wants to Go Online, Terry L. Watson, M.S., and Maggie Kwok, M.Ed.
Afternoon Plenary
What to Do When Students with Disabilities Aren’t Coping Well ‘” Forging Partnerships Among Students, Parents, and Disability Support Service Providers, Anthony L. Rostain, M.D., M.A., and B. Janet Hibbs, M.F.T., Ph.D.
Afternoon Workshops
Workshop E – If We Knew Then What We Know Now: Lessons Learned from Experienced Disability Support Educators, Jane F. Holahan, Ed.D., Susan McMenamin, M.A. SpEd, PRSE, and Marcia Wiedefeld, M.A.
Materials are not currently available.
Workshop F – Accessibility On-boarding for College and University Staff, Joe Schaffner, M.A., M.L.S., and Clay Colmon, M.A.
Workshop G – Beyond Accommodations: Meeting the Ongoing Needs of Students, Susan Willson, M.S., and Emily Trott
Workshop H – The Importance of Parent Partnerships for a Successful Transition to College, John Woodruff, M.S.